Learn, get tips and see Accurex’s products in action with these case study videos.
Also, read other case studies here.
Learn, get tips and see Accurex’s products in action with these case study videos.
Also, read other case studies here.
Accurex focuses on engineering simplicity into kitchen ventilation systems and believes an efficient kitchen ventilation systems manufacturer can make your life easier. They offer clarity at every stage from a single source and solves the most complex kitchen ventilation challenges.
Find out more about the benefits of Accurex in this Accurex Brochure.
Accurex is a Greenheck Group Company, the world’s leading manufacturer of commercial air movement and control equipment. You can be sure that you’re sourcing your kitchen ventilation system from a trusted provider.
ENERGY STAR is a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) voluntary program that helps businesses and individuals save money and protect our climate through superior energy efficiency.
To maintain consumer trust and improve the oversight of ENERGY STAR certified products, homes, and commercial facilities, EPA has implemented third–party certification requirements and testing.
For more information on ENERGY STAR, the EPA, and how they are working to improve energy efficiency across America, click here.
The ceiling and cabinet fans by GREENHECK are direct drive models that have forward-curved wheels for low sound and high efficiency. These are suitable for clean air applications, such as bathroom, storage room, or office exhaust fans.
Models include the CSP-A, CSP-B, SP-VG, SP-A, SP-B and SP-L.
Click here for product information on these models, including manuals, specifications, drawings, and more.
Energy Star Most Efficient
Bath fan models SP-A50-90-VG and SP-A90-130-VG have been designated as one of the Most Efficient of ENERGY STAR® certified products in 2018. Products that are recognized as Most Efficient minimize greenhouse gas emissions by meeting rigorous energy efficiency performance levels set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
These models offer:
(IAQ) This recognition, along with ongoing product line improvements, solidifies our commitment to becoming the manufacturer of choice in multifamily residential construction, giving you more tools to significantly increase your sales of Greenheck bath fan business. To learn more, click here to view the Greenheck Energy Star flyer.