All-In-One Cooling, Heating, Humidity Control & High-Grade Filtration
Never before has there been a package DX piece of equipment that’s purpose-built for the healthcare industry. The Suite 4 HVAC unit is a mechanical room in a box, combining heating, cooling, humidity control, and filtration in one serviceable cabinet.
Controlled via a self-contained DDC control system, Suite 4 is capable of communicating via Bacnet, Lon, N2, or Modbus for campus-wide tie-in if needed.
Perfect For Rural Area Clinics & Hospitals
The Suite 4 HVAC unit by Seasons 4 is perfect for rural area clinics and hospitals where budgets and staffing do not permit complicated chiller and boiler solutions and plants. Suite 4 combines everything needed to provide makeup and/or conditioned air to an operating room or clinical procedure room with custom control strategies including discharge air control, space pressurization, night setback dampers, and economizers, all available to meet your healthcare needs.
Saves You Time & Money
The all-in-one design saves both time and money. Sourced from a single source supplier instead of multiple sources, our unit saves on installation costs and project management time.
Let Your Building Work For You
Mounted on the roof or a pad instead of a mechanical room, the Suite 4 HVAC unit lets building owners put their money into revenue-generating building space that returns profits instead of tying up valuable square footage with mechanical rooms that do not add to the bottom line.